What matters most?

When Jesus promised to be with us always, he wasn’t just talking symbolically. He meant that he would stay with us – body, blood, soul, and divinity. In fact, when we go to Mass, we meet Jesus himself “truly, really, and substantially contained” in Holy Communion (Catechism of the Catholic Church, sec. 1374). He is there every time.

We meet the one and only Jesus. The Jesus we meet in Holy Communion is the same person who now sits at the right hand of the Father. How this happens is a mystery but we know it through faith – a faith deepened by Holy Communion. 

We are joined to Jesus. At Mass, we aren’t just spectators. By celebrating the Eucharist, we enter into an incredible, mystical relationship with Jesus himself. We are joined to Christ and to each other as members of his Body. What matters most is communion with Him. The best way to celebrate the Eucharist is to receive Holy Communion devoutly and frequently.




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