Finding the Joy in Daily Prayer

God is always thinking of us and anxious to be with us.  He loves us unconditionally and patiently waits for our attention.

"You are precious in my eyes, and honored, and I love you ... I will never forget you. See, upon the palms of my hands I have written your name." (Isaiah 43:4, 49:15-16).

But in the hectic pace of daily life, the thought of spending time with God can seem like yet another chore instead of a joy. But when you see prayer as being with the one who loves you most, you can learn how to revel in his very personal love. The key is to find the joy in daily prayer.

This special, two-page issue is packed with practical ways to increase concentration during prayer, add variety to the way we pray, suggestions for different prayer routines, and perspectives to increase our joy in prayer. Copy and distribute to anyone who needs to spice up a prayer life.

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